This is Logan's 9 month layout for the family album. He is growing up WAY WAY too fast. I know 6 kids is enough, but sometimes I still get that "baby lust", you know? Physically and emotionally, I'm exhausted. Financially, it's a struggle. But I love having a large family and I feel sad that Logan is my last baby.
Anyway, enough of my rambling - LOL. I must give credit where credit is due. This is such a cute cute kit. I downloaded it awhile back not having any clue what I would do with it - just thinking it was too cute to pass up. And it worked perfectly for this layout - love the colors and the cute elements! It's called "My Blue Period" and it's by Miss Kim Designs. I always wonder why some digital scrappers say they don't even bother with freebies - some of my absolute favorite kits have been freebies. Gotta love the designers who take the time to create these fabulous kits and then give them away. Kudos!
I love the layout---and I LOVE the children---BUT PLEASE MAKE SURE LOGAN REALLY IS THE LAST ONE!