This is Thurman's 21 month layout for his album. He is definitely a clown and love attention! I used a brand new kit by Un_Leash_ed Scraps called "Monkeying Around". I love the colors and the embellishments - especially the adorable ornery looking monkeys!
NOTE: All of the digital layouts on this blog that were posted prior to this layout - and including this layout - were produced using FotoFusion scrapbooking software by LumaPix. While this software is super easy to learn and use and while it has the capability of creating fantastic layouts, most digital scrappers will find themselves becoming frustrated with its lack of features after a short time (it took me 4 months). I would recommend this software only if you are brand new at digital scrapbooking and you want a software program this is simple and that you can jump right into. Otherwise, I would recommend Digital Scrapbook Artist by Serif (which all of my layouts starting with the next one are made with). It takes a bit more effort to learn, but has a TON of great features! And it's still a lot easier than PhotoShop (which I tried on several occasions, but it's over my head - and I don't have the time or patience to learn it). DSA also has a great, active forum where you can post questions (and get REAL answers promptly)! And I even found a trick for creating 2-page spreads with this program (e-mail me if you want to know)!
Perfect---the layout, the pictures---everything.